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General Question

Personal API trading refers to the trading operations conducted through an API key and secret key created by an individual, using the trading platform's API interface. The trading actions are executed by the cube strategy robot and the investor. Personal API trading is usually subject to exchange restrictions, such as trading frequency limits and trading quota limits.

Platform API trading refers to trading operations conducted through the API interface of a trading institution or trading service provider, with the trading actions executed by the institutional service provider on behalf of the user. Platform API trading provides a more efficient trading strategy system, as well as more features and services, and the profit effects of institutional services tend to be more stable.

1: For personal API trading, the platform charges a commission of 20% on the profits earned by investors from trading with cube strategies. No commission is charged in the case of losses.

2: For platform API managed strategy trading, the platform charges a commission of 30% on the profits earned by investors. No commission is charged in the case of losses.

1: The minimum investment threshold for personal API strategy trading is $1500.

2: When users invest on the platform, positions are aggregated through the capital collection system, and profits are distributed through the distribution system. Therefore, the minimum investment threshold is only $10.

Certification requirements: Investors with an investment amount below $300 do not need to undergo KYC certification. However, for investments of $300 and above, we require users to undergo KYC certification to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and to safeguard investment security.

QubitsCube has a robust insurance mechanism in place, where 0.1%-0.5% of the amount of each investment made by users goes into an insurance fund pool. When a client's investment drawdown rate triggers the system's forced liquidation, the system will execute the liquidation and compensate from the insurance fund pool to protect the users' rights and interests. This insurance mechanism aims to provide a safer and more reliable trading environment for users, effectively avoiding potential risks.

The platform offers various server options for customers of different levels, including standard servers, high-speed servers, and servers for large clients. After inviting valid customers to activate their accounts, you will receive 10 Rubik's Cube Coins as a reward. Accumulating 300 Rubik's Cube Coins grants you access to high-speed servers. High-speed servers are more efficient; for example, trading that takes 24 hours could potentially be completed in just 23 hours using a high-speed server. The platform allocates servers according to the different levels of customers to meet various trading needs and requirements.

Diversification: Leveraged funds will be diversified into multiple cryptocurrencies according to the strategy. Not all will be concentrated in a single currency, improving investment flexibility.

Step-by-step buying: You can view the amount of multiple purchases in the strategy you hold or the completed strategy. This operation method helps smooth market fluctuations.

Margin Retention: In order to cope with market uncertainty, a portion of the funds will be retained as margin. Still have enough capital buffer when the market falls

Leveraged capital allocation allows investors to participate in larger transactions with smaller starting capital. In QUBITSCUBE, you can automatically obtain 1 to 10 times leverage according to your trading strategy.